
The Human Manager Experience 2024: Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th August - Perth

Regular price $2,075.00 Sale

The Human Manager Experience

It's not a program, it's a deep dive into self-management, and self-awareness that moves you from a transactional to a transformational human manager.  

What is it?

A 2 Day highly interactive experience where we focus on building your human skills to make you a better human manager. I get you to look into the mirror and push you out of your comfort zone to unwire all the management practices you’ve learned as a technical leader and center you to put humans first in everything you do.

Who is it for?

Humans at all stages of their careers – emerging and hi-potentials identified to be promoted to people leadership roles, current managers who have room for improvement in the human skills of self-awareness, empathy, showing vulnerability, and long-term managers who are fixed in a technical mindset and stagnating in their careers as a result of this.

What does it cost?

$2,075.00 (GST ex.) per participant.  In-house workshops available upon request.